China Baowu Steel Group: to create an outstanding brand, towards the world class

Guided by the new iterative and upgraded company strategy, Baowu anchors the goal of accelerating the establishment of a world-class great enterprise, integrates brand building into the whole process and the whole field of enterprise production and operation, and actively explores the differentiated brand building path in line with Baowu’s mission and vision.

In the analysis report of “China 500 Most Valuable Brands” in 2022 released by World Brand Lab (World Brand Lab), 12 Chinese steel enterprises including Baowu, Hegang and Shougang were on the list, and Baowu ranked 40th in the list with brand value of 178.529 billion, ranking first in the steel industry; in the list of Global 500 Brands in 2022, there are 45 Chinese brands on the list, and Baowu ranked 33.


Baowu with excellent products to build a brand carrier, for the Baowu product quality and service comprehensive competitiveness of the promotion. Treasure wu implement the notice about the central enterprise brand leading action and the quality power construction outline and other superior department work deployment, in QCDDS (quality, cost, delivery, research and development, service), under the promotion of the quality of product supply, to build the user as the center of production and marketing research with ecosystem, automotive plate, orientation silicon steel production in the world’s first and achieve continuous lead, “hand steel”, train wheels with steel breakthrough key core technology, occupies an important position in the field of high-end steel, common with differentiated competitiveness and good brand commitment to win the trust of users at home and abroad. In order to further enhance the product brand construction work of systematic, professional, bao wu the steel main product brand research work, for the product brand building communication platform, with “product excellence” to promote “brand”, encourage subsidiary measures to explore ordinary product competitiveness and the differentiation of star brand strategy, promote excellent products and outstanding brand mutual gain.

In 2022, the crude steel output reached 132 million tons, ranking among the top 50 of the Fortune Global 500 for the first time, ranking 44th, and ranking first in the global steel industry. The three major international rating agencies continue to give China Baowu the highest credit rating for global comprehensive steel enterprises. In terms of promoting professional integration and market development, Baowu brand also provides high-quality brand endorsement for its subsidiaries’ foreign cooperation.


Post time: Jun-06-2023